When having an annual soil analysis done, your pH and nutrient levels in the turf are then monitored and kept up with . This assists in customizing annual fertilizer programs to meet the specific needs of your unique lawn and landscape. Depending on your soils condition, this can offer corrective action to optimize the uptake of nutrients. Knowing what exactly your soil and lawn needs also prevents the potential for certain lawn fungus and diseases.
We will take a sample of your yard’s soil and send it to a lab to be tested for nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous, calcium, and potassium. With this, we will know exactly what your grass wants. Also, we make sure not to overfertilize in the future. Over fertilizing can lead to damage in the form of burned-out roots, uneven growth, and brown patches. Grass Cat recommends annual soil testing.
* Complementary soil testing with annual pre-pay on the lawn program! *